For Employer

Locations (in alphabetical order)

  • ·Alabama
  • ·Alaska
  • ·Arizona
  • ·California
  • ·Connecticut
  • ·Georgia
  • ·Hawaii
  • ·Illinois
  • ·Indiana
  • ·Kentucky
  • ·Massachusetts
  • ·Michigan
  • ·New Jersey
  • ·New York
  • ·North Carolina
  • ·Ohio
  • ·Rhode Island
  • ·Tennessee
  • ·Texas
  • ·Washington
  • ·Washington D.C.
  • ·West Virginia
  • (Note: If you don’t see a location which you are looking for, please contact our office.)

Jobs & Industries

  • ·Accounting
  • ·Bookkeeping
  • ·Banking
  • ·Finance
  • ·Securities
  • ·Asset Management
  • ·Private Equity
  • ·Hedge Fund
  • ·Administration
  • ·General Affairs
  • ·Translation & Interpretation
  • ·Automotive (OEMs & Suppliers)
  • ·Steel
  • ·Manufacturing
  • ·Industrial Equipment
  • ·Electrical / Electronic Engineering
  • ·Mechanical Engineering
  • ·Production
  • ·Quality Assurance
  • ·Quality Control
  • ·Operations Management
  • ·Information Technology (IT)
  • ·Computer Science
  • ·Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • ·Logistics
  • ·Freight Forwarding
  • ·Warehouse
  • ·Trading (Import & Export)
  • ·Sales (Inside Sales / Outside Sales)
  • ·Business Development
  • ·Marketing
  • ·Purchasing
  • ·Inventory Control
  • ·Chemical
  • ·Plastic
  • ·Resin
  • ·Pharmaceutical
  • ·Medical
  • ·Energy / Power
  • ·Wholesale
  • ·Retail
  • ·Customer Service
  • ·Hospitality
  • ·Travel
  • ·Restaurant
  • ·Real Estate
  • ·Education
  • ·Legal
  • ·Administrative Assistant
  • ·Office Assistant
  • ·Executive Assistant
  • ·Research
  • ·Project Management
  • ·Human Resources (HR)

IBP's Strengths & Uniqueness


International Business Promotion, Inc. (IBP) has been introducing job seekers all over the US, including the Midwest region, the Southern region, West Coast, East Coast, Hawaii, Alaska, and Washington D.C..

Since January of 2013, IBP has been introducing candidates in Detroit, Novi, Ann Arbor, Chicago, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Columbus, Cincinnati, Marysville, Louisville, Lexington, Dublin, Atlanta, Huntsville, Houston, Dallas San Jose, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Torrance, New York, and many other places.

Rural and industrial areas

IBP has been introducing many job seekers, including bilingual (Japanese and English) job seekers in smaller cities and towns in the Midwest region, and the Southern region, in addition to the more densely populated areas in America.

If your company is an automotive OEM or supplier, or any other type of manufacturing company in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Texas, Alabama, and etc., we can help you find the right candidate.

Major US cities

IBP is headquartered in New York City, USA. At major US cities in addition to the less densely populated places, IBP is connecting businesses with exceptional talent in such sectors as finance, banking, investment, chemical, pharmaceutical, IT, energy, steel, real estate, food, travel, restaurant, logistics, freight forwarding, export and import trading, and etc..

12+ years of staffing experience

IBP’s recruiter has been studying the unique US bilingual (Japanese & English) job market since 1995. So, we can tell you the competitive salary info and other compensation info which are important to attract top talent for your business.

Many different types of job seekers

IBP can introduce many different types of job seekers across a wide range of jobs, industries, and experience levels. For example, we are introducing an experienced job seeker who has an MBA in the financial industry in New York. We are also introducing an entry-level engineer who has a mechanical engineering degree in the automotive industry in Indiana.

A List of Jobs & Industries: Automotive OEMs, Automotive Suppliers, Steel, Manufacturing, Industrial Equipment, Production Engineering, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Operations Management, Accounting, Bookkeeping, Banking, Finance, Securities, Asset Management, Private Equity, Hedge Fund, Administration, General Affairs, Translation & Interpretation, Information Technology (IT), Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Logistics, Freight Forwarding, Warehouse, Trading (Import & Export), Sales (Inside Sales / Outside Sales), Business Development, Marketing, Purchasing, Inventory Control, Chemical, Plastic, Resin, Medical, Energy / Power, Wholesale, Retail, Customer Service, Hospitality, Travel, Restaurant, Real Estate, Education, Legal, Administrative Assistant, Office Assistant, Executive Assistant, Research, Project Management, Human Resources (HR)

Japanese & English bilingual job seekers

IBP has a remarkable pool of bilingual job seekers who are fluent in both Japanese and English in America. We can send you resumes, along with language proficiency information. IBP’s recruiter has been monitoring the unique US bilingual (Japanese and English) job market since 1995. So, IBP can explain what kinds of bilingual (Japanese and English) candidates are available.

Non-bilingual job seekers

IBP has been introducing candidates who may not necessarily speak Japanese, in addition to the bilingual (Japanese and English) candidates, depending on the job qualification requirements.

As a US-based Japanese staffing agency, we are fortunate to be approached by many talented job seekers who may not speak Japanese, but are interested in the Japanese culture, language and companies.


Each candidate is vetted against the job qualification requirements, so an employer can save a lot of time in the hiring process. The same recruitment consultant works between a company and a job seeker, so it is efficient to find a match.

Quick response

You can expect to hear from us within 48 hours during weekdays.

Negotiation support

IBP provides negotiation support on a potential job offer between an employer and an interviewee to try to come up with a condition upon which both of them can agree.

Follow-up after hiring

IBP communicates with its customers to discuss their hiring needs, the latest job market, and etc. as a dedicated staffing agency.

Long-term business relationships

IBP values long-term business relationships. By having a great long-term business relationship with our customer, we can better understand our customer’s business, corporate culture, and staffing needs, which will help to find a perfect match.


Information is kept confidential. Information will be shared only with the qualified potential candidates.


We conduct business in compliance with the laws and regulations, and we take integrity seriously. We expect the same on our clients.

Language options (Japanese or English)

IBP can respond to you in English or Japanese, whichever you prefer.

For Employer

Find top talent with IBP. International Business Promotion, Inc. (IBP) is committed to introducing the right candidates based upon the job qualification requirements in a timely manner. With our staffing expertise, database, and network, you can find a match.

Since 1995, our recruitment consultant has been studying the unique US bilingual (Japanese and English) job market. Since IBP’s establishment in January of 2013, IBP has been introducing both entry-level candidates and mid-career candidates in various industries all over the US, including the Midwest region, the Southern region, West Coast, East Coast, Hawaii, Alaska, and Washington D.C..

IBP has been introducing candidates, including bilingual (Japanese and English) candidates in Detroit, Novi, Ann Arbor, Chicago, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Columbus, Cincinnati, Marysville, Louisville, Lexington, Dublin, Atlanta, Huntsville, Houston, Dallas San Jose, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Torrance, New York, and many other places.

IBP has a remarkable pool of job seekers who are fluent in both Japanese and English in America. We can send you resumes, along with language proficiency information.

As a US-based Japanese employment agency, we are fortunate to be approached by many talented job seekers who may not speak Japanese, but are interested in the Japanese culture, language and companies. We have placed them for non-bilingual jobs at your clients when available.

For more information, you can reach us at or Tel# (646) 880-4470 between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (EST), Monday through Friday, except national holidays.